
As was announced in the November 13 issue of Campus Weekly, the search committee for the position of Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs has been convened.

As this work begins, we are seeking perspectives from the campus community (faculty, administrators, staff, and students) to help inform the committee’s efforts and those of our partners Isaacson, Miller (IM). To provide input, please complete the linked scoping survey which is administered by IM. Only IM will see the responses. IM will then submit a report on the findings to the search committee, without identifiers attached.

The survey will close on Monday, November 25.

You are also invited to participate in Wednesday’s Faculty Forum to discuss the Provost Search. It will be on November 20, 3-5 p.m., at the Alumni House.

Thank you for your participation.

Professor Andrea Hunter
Chair, Provost and EVC Search Committee