Dr. Charles Tisdale is a lifelong teacher, poet, and, more recently, a photographer. He began his writing career at the age of eight when, in the second grade in South Carolina, he produced an award-winning poem entitled “Old King Cotten.” He continued writing poetry while studying English at the University of the South where he graduated Magna Sum Laude in 1964. He then attended Princeton University where he earned his Ph.D. in Medieval English Language and Literature in 1969. Upon graduation, he became an Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro receiving tenure in 1975 and becoming an Associate Professor in 1981 until his retirement in 2005. During his time at UNCG, Dr. Tisdale published more than 70 poems in national publications. Now a Professor Emeritus, since his retirement, Dr. Tisdale has added photography to his artistic endeavors, with an emphasis on nature. He also teaches Latin and Photography in a rural Charter Middle School in Rockingham County, North Carolina and continues to offer the occasional humanities seminar at UNC Greensboro in topics such as disease and metamorphosis as conceptual metaphors.