Charge: The Faculty Assembly Delegation shall (1) gather and exchange information on behalf of the faculties of the constituent institutions of The University; (2) advise, through appropriate channels, the Board of Governors, the General Assembly, and other governmental agencies and officers on matters of University-wide import; and advise and communicate with the President of The University regarding matters of importance to the faculties as well as the whole University.

Membership: The UNCG Delegation to the UNC Faculty Assembly shall consist of four delegates: the Faculty Senate Chair, the Senate Chair-Elect (or Past-Chair in the years in which there is no Chair-Elect), and two voting members of the General Faculty elected at-large by a vote of the General Faculty. The lead delegate shall be elected annually by the delegation, and shall be one of the delegates elected at-large. The two faculty members elected at-large shall serve three-year terms. Three alternates to the delegation shall be elected at-large, each of whom shall serve three-year terms. The Chair of the Delegation will arrange for one of the alternates to attend UNC Faculty Assembly meetings in place of a delegate who is unable to attend. In addition, should one of the regular at-large delegates be unable or unwilling to complete his or her term, the Chair of the Faculty Senate shall appoint one of the alternates to serve out the term of that delegate.

2024-2025 Faculty Assembly Delegation:

CASCharlesBolton, FS